Pick First
On the Pivot to First podcast, we cover leadership, talent acquisition strategy, and recruiting technology from a business leadership point of view. Ideal for CEOs, CFOs, and talent acquisition professionals. Each episode features an industry thought leader or a play you can use so you can pivot to first in the race for talent. https://zurl.co/3I9A
RecOps is a new business function that's just now gaining traction in companies. We're familiar with RevOps and DevOps, and now RecOps is the new player on the block that's enabling companies to grow and sustain their recruiting operations. Jim explains how it's not just a policing function. It's a strategy function that constantly seeks to optimize the recruiting. Here are some of the topics covered in this conversation:
- Who exactly is a RecOps leader and what do they do day to day?
- Why companies need a RecOps leader and how they fit into a team of recruiter
- Why you shouldn't be using hiring committees
- How to get buy-in from executive leadership for RecOps
- Why recruiters aren't necessarily the best RecOps managers
- What to watch out for as a RecOps Manager
Show notes
RecOps Collective: https://www.recopscollective.com/
Special Guest: Ben Abear.