PivotCX is excited to announce our dynamic lists feature!

We already let users sort candidates by all sorts of filters such as location, job title, or application date. Now you can save those filters and use them to make dynamic lists.

Let’s say you have a list of candidates from Indianapolis, IN. Whenever a candidate meets the criteria for the list (for example, they live in Indianapolis, IN), they are automatically included in the list. The moment they no longer meet it, (their city is no longer Indianapolis), then they are removed from the list.

Learn more about how to make and use dynamic lists here: (insert link to help article).

There are all sorts of ways to use dynamic lists in your recruiting communications. Here are 4 simple ways you can start using dynamic lists today:


  1. Re-engage with Past Applicants – create a list of past applicants to a particular position and have it update automatically every time someone applies for that position. If ever the position opens up, you’ll have ready-to-go an up-to-date list of everyone who has applied to it in the past.
  2. Use for Job Fairs – Create a dynamic of list of everyone who has visited you at your job fair. As they fill out your your apply form at the booth, they’ll be added to your list in real-time. Then you can send everyone from the list a quick follow-up message after the job fair, thanking them for coming and inviting them to apply online.
  3. Send location-specific messages to candidates or employees – Pivot lets recruiters filter contacts by almost everything: from the job they applied to, to where they’re located. Make a dynamic of list of everyone from a particular location and then send them timely messages pertinent to them.
  4. Follow up with Interviews – make a dynamic list of everyone who hasn’t scheduled an interview yet. Then regularly schedule out messages with your calendly link to them to invite them to interview. You’ll then start to see less ghosting and more interviews on your calendar.