In today’s job market, there is a significant talent shortage, and many companies are finding it challenging to recruit the right candidates. This issue is further compounded by the fact that most recruiting teams are understaffed, making finding and hiring qualified candidates even more difficult.

To put it into perspective, imagine if your customer service team were taking 3-4 weeks to follow up with customers. You would quickly realize that you need more customer service representatives to handle the increasing workload. You might even consider bringing in an outsourced call center to help manage the influx of customer inquiries.

Similarly, if your sales team was taking two weeks to follow up on a lead, you would likely hire more BDRs and sales reps to help speed up the sales process. In some cases, you might even consider outsourcing your sales efforts to an agency.

Given the urgency of these situations, it’s essential to look at recruiting emergencies in the same way. Companies need to take swift action to address their talent needs and ensure that they have the resources and support necessary to find and attract top candidates in today’s competitive job market.

If you can’t help being short-staffed, then you still don’t have to settle for 1-2 week turnaround times. With a communications hub like PivotCX your recruiters can be engaging with 3x the number of candidates as before. Make sure your recruiters have the right tools, and they’ll be able to meet their goals. 

Mike Seidle
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