Podcast: Creating Engaging Experiences in Recruiting
In this episode of Businesses are People Too! A Podcast, host Lindsay Harle interviews PivotCX’s CTO, Mike Seidle, to explore the power of an engaging experience in recruiting…
On this episode, we dive in and learn:
- Why hiring is a C-Suite, not an HR issue
- How companies should interact with potential hires
- The reality and ramifications of the demographic shift
- The importance of bringing along your younger employees up through the company
- How to give employees opportunities to grow without them having to leave
- Why businesses should be hiring for POTENTIAL rather than specifics of experience, skills, etc.
- How to assess the potential of an individual
- The power of HUMAN intelligence in hiring
- What the most important thing a job seeker should be doing in an interview
- One small thing businesses can do to start engaging their applicants
- How to fill open positions effectively
- The power of an engaging experience in recruiting
- Mike’s answer to “What if…businesses realized that they are people too?” (35:09)
Links in this episode:
Website: www.pivotcx.io
LinkedIn: @IndyMike (Mike Seidle)
Website: www.thewriteharle.com; www.quirkylindsayharle.com
LinkedIn: Lindsay Harle-Kadatz
Featured Image background by Dominika Roseclay