The 3 Most Important Reasons To Celebrate Candidate Experience Day 2023

The 3 Most Important Reasons To Celebrate Candidate Experience Day 2023

It seems nearly everyday we’re hearing about the latest National – “fill in the blank” Day. For example, for those that were not aware, just the other day it was National Cheese Lovers Day.  There are practically national days of recognition every day of the year.  (For the historians in the crowd – In the USA, we can track the tradition of creating national days of recognition all the way back to July 4, 1777 – to the first organized celebration of Independence Day.)  While not all days of recognition have equal significance or are tied to such an historic event, the fact remains that these days of recognition give us a chance to pause and reflect.  And – in many cases, these days create the opportunity for us to both elevate the purpose for the day as well as to make further commitments to support the ideals and objectives that the day represents.

 Back in 2020, The Talent Board initiated the first Candidate Experience Day.  It was a brilliant idea to tie the kick-off of the 2020 CandE Benchmark Research program to this special day.  Each year since, The Talent Board has been “hosting” the Candidate Experience Day as a cornerstone event that both announces the findings from the previous year’s research as well as serving as the opening of the present year’s research program.  While the exact day for this has slightly varied over the years, the intent of the day has remained consistent – i.e. for Recruiting Teams to come together to honor the candidates that take the time to opt-in to participate in their recruitment cycles and to recommit to doing everything they can to create a positive experience for those candidates.  

 More often than not, discussions about the “Candidate Experience” center around the negative – i.e. all the reasons for rising Candidate Resentment.  Candidate Experience Day 2023, however, is an opportunity to celebrate – Celebrate the candidates, and celebrate all the techniques being deployed that are having a positive impact, 


3 Reasons Why You Should Plan to Celebrate Candidate Experience Day

 While there are a myriad number of reasons why celebrating Candidate Experience Day should be high priority, those reasons really all boil down to 3 core topics.

 1 – Mindset Matters!

Would anyone argue that we should NOT think about the candidate experience?  Do you know that purposely plans and designs a poor candidate experience into their process?  Of course, the answer to these questions is, “No.”  And yet, despite all the long standing evidence and the clear convergence that an improved candidate experience is important, creating a meaningful, consistent, and lasting candidate experience continues to be aspirational.

 As with anything worth achieving, the journey always begins with deciding that the pursuit is worth dedicating yourself to.  Mindset is critical. There will definitely be times during the journey when you will question whether the commitment is worth the continuous effort.  Candidate Experience Day 2023 is an opportunity to surround yourself with others who are traveling a similar trail as you.  It will be a day of positive storytelling from others who have found success.  What better way is there to stay motivated and committed that to surround yourself with others who have a similar mindset.  Their stories and specific suggestions will serve as great inspiration to stay motivated to keep to the plan. 


2 – Recruiting Outcomes Matter!

Improving Candidate Experience is not a fluffy, nice to think about business issue.  Not being able to achieve hiring goals and overspend on recruitment marketing are just two examples of what happens when your employer brand has a poor candidate experience reputation.  

 As noted above, though, no one means to purposely create a poor candidate experience.  The primary root cause of this is that too often recruiting teams are overwhelmed and overburdened.  They are expected to be experts on a large number of skills – i.e. Employer Branding, Recruitment Marketing, Copywriting, Sourcing, Labor Market Intelligence, Sales and Negotiation just to name a few.  They are expected to navigate and use a large number of systems and tools – many of which are not integrated.  And, of course, the biggest challenge of all – is that recruiters are expected to carry an inordinate number of requisitions.  As Josh Bersin famously said, “Recruiting is much harder than it looks” – which is why the vast majority of recruiting teams under-perform.

 I’m not saying that participating in the Candidate Experience events will cure all your issues.  What I am saying though, is that collaborating with other employers who have the same mindset as you and learning from them as to what has been successful should be a strong element to your strategy.  This is a great way to learn the skill sets and toolsets that others are leveraging to get to the ROI from investing in improving the Candidate Experience


3 – Your Job Satisfaction Matters!

In all my years of working in the talent acquisition industry, I’ve never met a single recruiter who stayed in the business who wasn’t passionate about the work they were doing.  The satisfaction that a person can get from being knowing they are the engine that enabled individuals to get jobs that fulfill their career aspirations is indescribable.  Couple that with knowing that your efforts play a role in the productivity and profitability of the business, and you have a killer combination of reasons to want to improve the Candidate Experience.

 As noted above – no one purposely works to design a poor candidate experience into the process.  At a minimum, it is frustrating to every day feel like it is all you can do to keep up with the candidates that are moving forward.  At worst, it is demoralizing and contributes to job burnout.  The largest population in any recruiting cycle are the candidates that do not get hired.  All too often, this is the group of candidates that do not hear back – which is one of the key reasons for the growing levels of candidate resentment.  

Participating in Candidate Experience Day – and for that matter, Candidate Experience improvement activities and events throughout the year, is truly a way that you can take control of your own work experience.  Not only will your efforts make life better for the candidates and improve the business results of your organization, but you will also be improving your job satisfaction.  Job satisfaction is the feeling of fulfillment you receive from the work that you perform.  Zeroing in on the meaningful aspects of your work is critical to job satisfaction. Identifying areas of the process that you can improve upon to produce better and more valuable outcomes for your candidates and hiring managers will not only add to your job satisfaction – but will also ultimately improve your work-life balance and reduce your work-related stress levels.


Wednesday, January 25th, 2023 is Candidate Experience Day.  While it is a specific day being set aside to share stories, posts, quotes, pictures, memes, videos, etc. It is important to remember though that, Every Day Should Be Candidate Experience Day!  And, while the title of the day only refers to the Candidate, the reality is that making improvements in the experience will actually create amazing outcomes for both the business your recruit for and for yourself.  Improving the Candidate Experience is a journey – not a destination. Embarking on this journey means that you are adopting this as a mindset and that you are continually striving to learn new skills and tools to further this pursuit.  Surround yourself with others who have also adopted this mindset plays an important role in that continuous learning.  Just remember – your candidates will appreciate it, your business will gain value from it, and your job satisfaction will increase.  

 Wishing you a productive Candidate Experience Day and a full year of related activities to come!

Engage for Success Radio: Employee Engagement at PivotCX

Engage for Success Radio: Employee Engagement at PivotCX

PivotCX learned a huge lesson about business when COVID-19 hit and they lost 85% of their business in March 2020. What was the surviving 15%? It corresponded to clients using the software to engage job applicants with a live person, right after they applied. Consequently, they pivoted. They rebuilt their business on the proposition that every job applicant should get to talk to a live human, every time, within minutes of applying. 

Mike and his team spent most of 2020 building new software, and a new way to recruit that puts candidate engagement front and center. They built it by working closely with the interns doing live chat for the customers that stayed on board, and by listening carefully to their customers. 

In short the Pivot worked.

The new software launched in January  2021, and PivotCX grew 183% that year. 

So far this year, fueled by the great resignation, in January and February, they’ve already beat 2021.

But… growth creates new challenges, and employee engagement at PivotCX has become crucial. Now their team shifted to growth mode. This means that the company leaders challenge employees to “give their job away” every few weeks as they scale up. Making sure every team member knows what is going on, feels valued, and important is crucial. 

Mike is a serial entrepreneur and software developer with deep experience in HR Tech. He heads up product operations and product development for PivotCX. 

Host: Jo Dodds

How to Reach Job Seekers with 3 Recruiting Strategies

How to Reach Job Seekers with 3 Recruiting Strategies

 Do you want to know what is more challenging than finding job seekers these days? Learning how to reach job seekers. It can be a game of cat-and-mouse to have meaningful conversations with them and keep them engaged long enough to know whether they have the qualifications needed to make a great hire!

More than ever, it is essential to reach candidates as soon as possible and to be prepared when they are ready to convert. On the other hand, some candidates need several impressions before they engage with your content.

We’ll cover three strategies to stay connected to your job candidates with ease. We happen to like using the new  PivotCX Campaigns feature, but the strategies apply to recruiting in general.


1. Inform Past Applicants of a New Job Opening or a Re-opening

In the current employment market, candidates are getting more expensive, and job boards are raising their prices. With fresh, new traffic becoming harder to get, getting creative with how to reach job seekers can be a bloodline. 

One often-forgotten source of candidates is your past applicant pool. Some of the benefits of reaching these job seekers are that they are already familiar with your company and you don’t have to pay extra to get their contact information.

It’s likely that you already have a gauge on the people you would like to contact from your past applicant pool. Perhaps, there were two or three excellent candidates, but you could only hire one. The perfect time to get a hold of them is when a new, similar role opens. Additionally, there’s only one way to know whether these applicants are still in the market for a new job or might now be ready to make a move. 

Employers can use PivotCX Campaigns to tap into their forgotten candidate pool of past applicants and get more bang for their buck by remarketing to past candidates.

2. Organize and Tap into your Talent Community

Knowing who is in your talent community or past applicant list helps you understand and discover what works best to attract their attention to your job posts and keep them engaged for as long as possible.

You can run A/B tests by segmenting your candidates, such as dividing half your list and changing messages or altering the delivery cadence. This allows you to gain insights into how you reach out to job applicants; for example, you can find the length and type of message that works best for your candidates.

You can also be more granular in your approach to diverse candidates depending on their location, the position they applied for, how long ago they applied to the job, medium, source, etc.

Whether from an ATC, CRM, or even from a spreadsheet, PivotCX Campaigns allows you to attach a series of messages to any candidate list to make reaching out to applicants easier. 


3. Remind Candidates about their Recent Job Application

 Life gets busy, especially when trying to find a new job. Candidates want to optimize their chances to make it past the pile of resumes on any recruiter’s desk by applying to as many jobs as they can.

The downside is that they’ve lost track of which employers they applied to or the job details after a couple of days. Thus, it is essential to be fast and persistent when reaching out to job applicants. 

This is why PivotCX Campaigns aim to nudge job applicants who might have fallen off the application track. With time delays between automated messages that can be customized down to the minute, it’s easy to set the right cadence to reach candidates when they are more likely to respond to your message. 

Keep it human by reaching out to job seekers. Letting them know that you’ve seen their application and are interested can give you a leg up over employers that never bother to reach out to applicants or take three months to even get in touch with them.

 Figuring out how to reach candidates takes time, but these strategies can help you leverage what you already know about job seekers and make it easier to find the perfect fit for your job opening.